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Aspertame parkinsons diet soda - aspertame surgeons fare salt

01-02-2017 à 09:05:21
Aspertame parkinsons diet soda
First time i ever heard anyone mention this. One thing I read here that sticks out for me is pain in the neck and shoulders. I also have been having this problem for some time. It tastes good and can be bought at a natural foods store and even supermarkets now. I asked my neurologist about the vibrations the other day and he was the only one who did not look at me crazy. I believe it has something to do with the chiari malformation. Every single article I have read on autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (AAN) lists urinary retention (not urge incontinence-which I have) as a problem, but I was told at Mayo one could have either. By the way, if a neurologist tells you you need a test for something, ALWAYS ask the cost before committing. My symptoms also fluctuate (day to day, even minute to minute). I think that you are alot worse than me, god bless you, you poor soul. For the past 3 years I have had vibration in abdomen. I went through an early menopause at 43 (not exactly premature ovarian failure, but earlier than the norm) and I believe it is due to my autoimmune autonomic neuropathy. Of all the neurologists in this area, I picked the idiot. I had 5 hospital visits and spent months in a wheelchair due to extreme weakness, buzzing and tingling in my arms and legs. Anyway, I am happy to find others who have this weird body vibration thingy. I do have typical MS lesions in the brain and in the C-Spine. It is a scary feeling, but try seeing if you can control your vibrations by speeding them up or slowing them down. It only started this week, and its starting to drive me nuts. I started walking in mid-December and have continued successfully without a great deal of pain until now. If you have delayed stomach emptying that could affect your blood sugar levels. I do have a brain mass near my brain stem, but its stable and probably not the cause per most drs. I was diagnosed with sleep paralysis and vibrations, though rare, are a symptom. When this happens, it almost feels like some sort of a seizure to me. I did see now that Zelnorm was taken off the market. I got a virus and they think I am suffering from post viral syndrome. Collect your heroes, build your teams and defeat your enemies in the many realms of the HeroClix world. I am in the medical profession and have done searches of research and literature and there is not much information about there about what has happened to people like you and I. I also had cold shooting feelings throughout my body. I just hope these antibiotics do the trick. At first, I felt it at night and now it is also occurring in the day, but not as noticeably. I saw on CNN 9 days ago that the FDA asked Novartis to take Zelnorm off the market. I saw one with whom I was not impressed at the Mayo Clinic in MN. During this period, I was hospitalized on a couple of occasions with impactions. You probably know a lot more about it than I. now I am learning that there were a lot of things I should have not kept to myself as I start to see my Neuro. It is truly a bizarre feeling and occurs quite frequently. An EMG and a spinal tap could possibly help reveal some infection in the spinal fluid and neuropathies. I have fibromyalgia, arthritis, and bone spurs in several joints as well as the spine. Get Ready for An Edge of Your Seat Thriller Set in Space. I have noticed that stressful situations can make it come on. I noticed I continued to reach for the pager long after I returned home at night and even weeks between wearing the pager. The diagnosis given was purely based on exclusion. I actually do see an endocrinoligst every 6 months and we monitor all of my gland function and labs because my hypothalamus and pituitary are funcitoning questionably. I have had a fluctuating mildly evevated calcium and they did a PTH level on me at Mayo, but calcium returned to normal. While all of my other symptoms have for the most part subsided, this remains-but-is becoming less and less frequent. Since you have had amenhorrea off and on I thought you might know something about the relationship to different hormones. i get the same vibrating in the center of my back- only at night when i sleep. Hope someone can up with something on this one. Simmultanously I also got carpel tunnel in both wrists. I was recently diagnosed with Vertigo by a neurologist. I am sorry to hear that this is happening to you, but for me-I am happy to have found you at some level. I have the buzzing and my neuropathies are caused by what doctors think was a viral infection contracted last spring. -but who knows. I hope you are quicker finding a diagnosis than I have been. Prepare to do fearsome battle in the Regional Championships for HeroClix and Dice Masters as well as many other amazing side events in the Winter 2017 WizKids Open. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my posting. The lady seemed positive that it would to helpful. You said you were no longer having periods at 25 or 27. The vibration feeling goes away if I sit up, get out of bed or change position. Anyway, I have taken a high dose of Wellbutrin for 15 years. He used a technique where he had me lay on the chiropractor chair on my back and he lifted the back of my head and gently shook it ever so slightly. Had all kinds of stomach tests done, upper GI, colonoscopy, hepatabiliary scan, and scope down throat. Always thought it was just a memory association, electromagnentic field or something equally unusual. However all they can find is, multiple brain lesions dx Possible relasping remitting MS but the lesions are never active. The doctor thought it was possibly a precursor to a migrane, gave me some medicine for migraines and sent me on my way. However, I was given the diagnosis based on my symptoms and the fact that the aforementioned tests do not investigate GI related autonomic function which is where my symptoms seem to come from. The weather is very damp here and It may be just a temporary setback, but I am searching for anyone who may have had this or knows someone who did. Please post your question in one of our medical support communities. I got an awful full feeling in my face afterwards. I have had autonomic testing on a tilt table, thermoregulatory test, and acetylcholine sweat test, and they only showed mild abnormalities. Its very awful, I can sympathize with you. I have read and heard that aspartame can cause neurological deficits. It means that your are partially conscious and dreaming at the same time. It started with the vibrating sensation in my neck (only lasts a few seconds) but yesterday it happened more across my entire head. Maybe they are righ I just dont know anymore. I think the docs blame all my symtoms on this. I cant get comfortable and have a hard time lifting my head off the pillow. Now, if only I can find a doctor that will consider everything as a whole and will treat the problem, not mask the syptoms. Just these weird feelings on a daily basis. My family is giving up on me. LOL but I still have a good sense of humor despite my terror. I order mine from Canada and get a pretty good price on it. The neurologists have also suggested very low doses of several other neurological medications to be use off-label, but I have not tried any of them yet due to my past medication experiences. I am awaiting an MRI scan, it could take two months for this. I just wanted to share that I have the EXACT same thing, vibrating in my head, followed by intense vertigo. When I stopped sweating it was pretty much all over except my hands and feet. I hear what you are saying about Vertigo. I stopped the vibration while wearing the pager and put it on beep, but I do continue to have the sensation. As with Quarriors, the game that kicked off Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott and Eric M. However I knew what a normal life once was and my sympathies go out to the other people also affected by these weird troubling symptoms, while at the same time trying to keep our sanity. I too find it a difficult thing to google, maybe we are using the wrong words, although I can associate with a lot of you here, so we are certainly able to vocalise the symptom. IVIG was suggested at one time, but I never received it. I, too, get vibrations, but they happen to me in bed like many of you. Last March (2006) I started to experience symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning and severe weakness in my thigh and calf muscles. Just getting through each day is very draining for me. I can relate to the parinoid calls at 3am to those you love and a unexpected trip to the ER only to get a discharge note with no instructions or answers. Here is my story, maybe you can find something that may be of help. I am 56 Female with multiple medical problems. But the experience of the bad brain shakey thing is like a strong sudden fizzy feeling in the head. The assumption is that I have some sort of either autoimmune or viral induced dysautonomia, but it is more a diagnosis based on the fact that no one can come up with any other diagnosis that relates my symptoms to one another. My sister, mother, nephew, and grandmother all have so many of the same issues and still none of us have found much relief. I am struggling with my symptoms on a daily basis and they are increasing in frequency and intensity and I am completely unable to function because of them. Hopefully he will acknowledge all that went on and will try to get me in to see someone in this neuro practice. The weird thing about this is that it is the same rate and rhythm as my pulse. After the nausea went away, is when the weird feelings started. if i get up, it disapears. I got more help from that than the domperidone--my stomach is already hurting me more. My vibrations are strong and often accompanied by a buzzing feeling (sometimes the buzzing feeling stays with me for hours afterwards). I think its helpful to think of how little we know aout the human body, and I think it is good to try to keep a sense of proportion and beware that if you have MRI, or other tests, things will likely come but may not be something to worry about. Thats amazing that you said that your problems all started after a viral infection. Unfortunately I no longer have medical insurance, so visiting a nurologist is pretty much out of the question for now. Like so many others, without a diagnosis, you are kind of lost in the maze, and have to fend for yourself. I have a follow up with neuro on Monday but am not hopeful for answers, judging by what I am reading here. I have also had lots of headaches, nausea, cold intolerance, dizziness, hyper reflexes, and occ one of my pupils dilates, and a couple times got misshapen. I have been feeling very stressed out lately with some anxiety symptoms too, like the rapid heartbeat and palpitations. But I can tell that its not related to my breathing at all. I read that it shows up in about 40% of those with autoimm. I do think it is considered autoimmune in nature, though. For me, SP is almost always accompanied by vibrations. I have had lumbar punctures and a couple electrical tests and they are negative. I have even been seen at the Mayo Clinic and recently traveled out of state to see a different GI doctor. I imagine that is where the autoimmune factor comes in. About two years ago I felt my head and shoulders. Feel it most in the back, but everywhere else too. Today, I started wondering if maybe the sensation has something to do with my breathing. Thank you for asking and suggesting it though. I have had these feelings for 6 years now, I got really sick on New. The internal vibrations sure do a number on your sense of control with your body connection. First of all, keep in mind that I am unable to diagnose you because I am unable to examine you, this forum is for educational purposes. After several TIAs in 2002 they found a few areas on the brain - maybe MS maybe the TIAs - not sure. And I also have incredible fatigue as you do. The sensation genrally occurred at lower abdominal to upper thigh area frontal area. I am not confident that this is what caused these symptoms and am concerned that something is being overlooked. Home Company About Us Careers Products All Products Collectible Miniatures Games Collectible Dice Games Miniature Games Boxed Strategy Games Pre-painted Miniatures Unpainted Miniatures Featured Games HeroClix Dice Masters Attack Wing New Event. Not painful but wakes me up because it feels so weird. In particular, body vibration and buzzing while relaxing and on the threshold of sleeping, and very weird dreams. I wish you the best of luck with finding a neurologist. With thousands of characters to choose from and maps of terrain from all over the universe, who knows where HeroClix will take you. This came after my first attack with an unknown condition that caused topical numbness from the waist down-considerations were Acute Transverse Myelitis, Multiple Sclerosis or Lyme disease. Infections seem to be a triggering event for me and my dyasautonomia is probably autoimmune in nature, but not for certain. It was concluded by a neuromuscular specialist that I suffered from a post viral syndrome and she felt that I would slowly recover within a year. Not just the legs, which I get fairly often, but my whole body. I have the abnormalities I mentioned before (elevated lipase 3-4 times upper limit of normal, low ferritin, low estrogen, mildly low thyroid, somewhat abnormal autonomic test results, both hypo and hyper glycemia, and all those symptoms I discussed in depth). Have been to 5 doctors, I fear they all think I am a hypo. I had an MRI brain scan yesterday to see if it will throw any light on these strange symptoms, I suppose I could be waiting weeks for the results. So, I really do not know what is the cause. I know that I am not a doctor, but I think a person knows their own body and that is what mine is telling me. I start to come to terms with some of what happened to me and then something happens like neurologists refusing to see me in their practice. I agree that the vertigo is not so bad, the vibrating part is VERY disconcerting. Although I am hesitant to get too excited, she said that from an eastern understanding my symptoms make sense to her. I also have incredibly low ferritin levels and other iron labs, but no one has been able to explain this even though I am not loosing blood in my stool and no longer menstruate on a regular basis. Eventually I got referred to Mayo-Jacksonville and thanks to the GP dx finally was taken seriously. My brain MRI last spring was also normal, c-spine showed a bulging disk. I do not feel well enough to work full-time. I know the hell of this weird symptom, believe me, I do. The test I referred to regarding autoimmune autonomic neuropathy is the neuronal nicotinic aceylcholine receptor. Best wishes and I hope you find a neurologist that will take you as a patient and be willing to work with you to improve your life or at at least monitor your symptoms. I read this somewhere years ago and it worked for me. Sleeping on my left side seems to bring it on sooner.

I have seen at least 6, and I have finally found an academic medical center that understands autonomic dysfunction and has given me a diagnosis. Gradually I began to get sicker and my neuroligist told me after several blood tests that I had the coxsackie virus, but he was not sure the coxsackie was responsible for the neuropathies. I have Chiari malformation, I believe that is the culprit of the vibration. I have been worked up by at least a dozen different doctors - neurologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists - and they have come up with a handful of laboratory and functional abnormalities but no concrete diagnosis or reason for the symptoms I have. After about 2 weeks of constant vibrating it just stopped. , and tell them to take me to the ER. I am female, age 60, and had no known health problems until I came down with a virus in 2002. I have seen about 9 doctors-of varous specialties-and none of them have answers. we can rule these things out. I would also suggest an EEG (brain wave test) to evaluate for any possible seizure activity. it usually occurs when I am sitting. I am diagnosed as having an autonomic dysfunction, although the origin is not clear and it has taken several years and exclusion of most other possible causes of my symptoms to arrive at it. I also experience a feeling like something is vibrating inside my body, especially related with eating and bowel activity. You described the vibrating sensation in my head perfectly. I had neurological tests, and they are normal so even the Docs are scratching their heads and holding out for an MRI scan to show what it is. The vertigo does go away, just in case you were wondering. I used to lie on the couch with a cold cloth over my head and pray that they would just stop. This is suppose to release the small debris trapped in your ear canal. In addition to the GI problems, I have several other symptoms. I want to procede slowly, but the acupuncturist felt that she would be able to help. Doctors want patients that they can write a prescription for, send out the door, and not hear from again for a year. I have had SEVERE vertigo for many years and I have had a feeling as well, like a vibration in the brain. The first time I experienced the head vibrating was January of 2006. Prepare to do fearsome battle in the Regional Championships for HeroClix and Dice Masters as well as many other amazing side events in the Winter 2017 WizKids Open. there are several other SSRI antidepresants that will give you the same kind of withdrawels. Prepare to do fearsome battle in the Regional Championships for HeroClix and Dice Masters as well as many other amazing side events in the Winter 2017 WizKids Open. I also completely stopped sweating at the onset of my symptoms and I have a very difficult time in both hot and cold temperatures. I will certainely try to post back on this forum once I have tried a few sessions of acupuncture to see whether or not they have a positive impact on my symptoms. For me though, this tends to make me more anxious which brings out more paresthesias and I get a nice positive feedback loop going. I also had that strange sensation where it feels as if someone is pushing you or your brain is shaking, I find that happens around my menses a lot. I was very sick from the pain found that sitting relieved my symptoms briefly but eventually they would return when I attempted to walk. Not sure if someone else mentioned something that I dealt with several years back and finally discovered the culprit. Like I said, I understand your frustration and anger with the doctors. , but maybe it does play a role say some, though its not growing as far as we can tell. I have never had the blood work receptor test you mentioned, but I do have an elevated ANA, rheumatoid factor, and lipase levels 3-4 times the upper limit of normal. I continue to worry what is causing this. Just wished we could get a solid explantation for what it is. Then in August of 2004, I became completely constipated, and until February 2006, I was unable to have any bowel movements on my own without the use of a large volume water enema. I quite them a while back-if I were any of you, I would stop. My finger nails feel like they are being squeezed in a vice. With the weight of comments on this weird vibrating thingy to this thread, maybe one of the doctors here could throw some light on this - I know a lot of our symptoms are differently located, but maybe there is a simple explanation out there. This expert forum is not accepting new questions. Also,alow TSH ( too much thryroid hormone being produced. autonomic neuropathy. I usually get it when I am soaking in a nice hot bathtub or just before falling asleep. I need advice on how to deal with the pain. Years Eve day in 2000, it started all of a sudden, I felt sick, weak, and very nauseous. m. when i awake for any reason,its there. If you are in the medical field you probably know more about it than I. It is a hard thing to describe, but seizure or vibrations, it is scary when it happens. Originally it started with only when I was lying down-this lasted for about 6 mo. I have decided to return to my PCP-see him next week-even though he still was dismissing my symptoms the last time I saw him before I headed up to Mayo and I am still pissed off at him for that. That being said, some people with numbness or other sensory complaints associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures or even TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) have described such strange sensory phenonenon. I have these vibrations also, but only when I first wake up. So I do not even have a neurologist and do not know how I am going to get one-at least that is any good. I have my first appointment with a Lyme Doctor on Monday. I have had contrast MRI studies of the brain. not every night-seems to be random. I spent the last year in crutches, then a walker and a wheelchair for 7 months. The past few days I feel the symptoms cropping up again and I am not sure if it is normal for this to happen after such a long illness and recovery. It would just crush me not to be able to graduate because I have wanted to work in medicine for as long as I can remember and I am very academically motivated. I was using crutches, and a walker for the first 5 months and then for the final part of the year (7 months)I was in a wheelchair and unable to walk. and am wondering of that is the cause (pinched nerves or something). They think that I have Lyme disease instead of old fashioned M. I live alone, have a house and yard to take care of by myself. Play amazing games, win convention exclusive prizes, and support local game stores. Everything you say about it is like I am reading my own thoughts and experiences and I have never found anyone who understands it. Then in August of 2004, I became completely constipated, and until February 2006, I was unable to have any bowel movements on my own without the use of a large volume water enema. I often wear a pager at work that silently vibrates in my pocket when paged. Should be interesting if it is common amoung us. There are two types of SP: common and hallucinatory. I am a 52 year old female with the same disturbing vibrations. If you are in graduate school maybe you are near a good one. The nausea lasted for 3 months, went and had blood work done, doc said it was a virus. So many symptoms can be attributed to various reasons. Started out on left side only when I am sleeping. During this period, I was hospitalized on a couple of occasions with impactions. I am healing after 5 hospital visits so I think your suspicion is correct. I really would like to find out what the heck is going on, and hopefully make it go away. Prior to 2002 I never had any major medical problems, but towards the end of year I began experiencing fatigue and amenorrhea. I also had a positive ANA, but the highest mine ever was was 1:160-a mild positive. Past year it has spread occasionaly to right side, and sometimes entire abdomen, still only when I have been asleep. Some symptoms of hallucinatory can include seeing lights, hearing voices, VIBRATIONS, feeling that there is an evil presence in your room and other fun stuff. I am currently 25 years old and would like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar and what they found to relieve their symptoms. Because I have an elevated ANA, rheumatoid factor, etc it is speculated to be autoimmue-mediated. Blank White Dice, designed by Jonathan Leistiko, is a thrilling new take on dice games. I appreciate your suggestions and I think it is interesting that you have abnormal blood sugars related to gastric emptying. S. I was given a perscription of magnesium sylicylate. I read that the higher the titer the worse the autonomic dysfunction-directly correlated-so the fact that mine was negative made me feel a little better, though i imagine the titer can fluctuate just like any antibody level can. Mostly happens when I am sleeping or relaxed - it will wake me up, but has happened once when standing. I went to my chiroprator and he said sometimes there are small like calcium deposits that will get lodged in your ear canal and can they can cause a great deal of trouble. I called my gastroent. I am interested in knowing if you or anyone else has experienced any of these symptoms and what you have found to relieve them. Most people have an episode of SP in there lifetimes. At first I only had it occasionaly but now I have it almost everynight. I have to force myself to do just about everything I do. I would call my poor parents at 3 a. My thoughts are that is has something to do with the body relaxing after being tense and stressed out. Let me know if any of you suffer from SP too. It feels exactly like I have a small cat on my lap, gently purring, with rhythmic pulsing. Unfortunately, Zelnorm is being taken off the market so that is no longer an option. It helps me some (with bloating, pain, etc. I have never taken anti depressants, but I was prescribed them for palpitations once. I have never felt anything like it before. It will last for a brief time and be mild to severe ( in sensation). I get buzzing feelings, and cold water feelings. Like you say about being on a boat all day, that motion feeling, or like walking uphill on flat ground. It just happened today when I got up from the chair at my hair salon. So nice to hear that others have this same phenomenon. Like you, I tend to get the vibration feeling during periods of stress. The one practice I called has told me that two of the doctors in that practice will not see me (after reviewing my records). Otherwise, not much has been suggested - I tried and had a bad reaction to pyridostigmine. My family also thought I was making up all these weird symptoms, buzzing, stabbing pain, numbness, pins and needles. I am just recovering from bronchitis, and I was hoping that maybe my lungs were wheezing at a very low frequency that was being felt in my abdomen. I personal have not had a viral infection, just brain lesions and a sagging brain, i like to say. ). I just know that the endocrine axes are autonomically controlled and can therefore be affected by autonomic dysfunction. It started as an echo in my chest, then, became (epicenter low back) full body. I also get a pulsing sensation in that leg that only occurs when I lay down. I am praying that the acupuncture will have a positive effect and help me to become more funcitonal because right now I am frustrated and scared and live minute-to-minute at the hand of my autonomic symptoms. Just awful. It felt as if I was on a roller-coaster ride. I get irregular heart rhythms and boughts of extreme fatigue. Not a good thing when you are carrying a tray. on Monday and they said to stop taking it. I would get these aweful headaches and like brain static and a feeling of dizziness. I found it interesting that it was removed due to cardiac rhythm abnormalities because the time that I tried taking it I felt so many arrythmias and irregular heartbeats that I stopped taking it. , from the gastroparesis). I also experience feelings like things are vibrating inside of my body, especially related to eating and bowel activity. I came up negative on the ELISA test, but I had 3 positive bands on the Western Blot. I have never said anything to anyone before because I thought it was all in my head. I think makes it even harder for others to understand the nature of what one deals with. Right now I am trying to get a neurologist to see me. WizKids Info Network Event Locator Store Locator Official Merch Store. I have explained this to many doctors over the years and they just say, hummm, never heard of that. I did have the vibrating feeling, but went away after stopping Prozac. My legs and arms have stinging and buzzing (neuropathy) and I am very tired. I was told it was from low B12 coupled with a virus called the coxsackievirus. I have pretty bad pain there from stress, etc. Hope that my contribution helps, and, despite a growing opinion-I am not playing doctor. He then proceeded to write me a prescription for neuratin after I told him that I would rather change my lifestyle than be put on meds since I am more into natural health. I have noiced this on antidepressants ( with meand others). At this point, I am so sleep deprived that I feel it has worsened the condition. Just another commment on our collective weird vibrating feelings - When I was going through the worst of Sarcoidosis, at night I used to get vibrating feelings all over my body - you know like goosebumps, but uncontrollable ones that just kept coming, until i eventually fell asleep. I have this vibration pretty mild and intermittent and never mentioned it to my neurologist, mostly cause mine. Cast spells and compete against other wizards in an epic race for loot. I have been expierencing the vibrating sensation about 2 years now. I would suggest that you get an MRI of the brain with contrast to evaluate for a structural lesion (such as MS, stroke, tumor, etc). I also experienced a link between fluctuating hormones (at time of ovulation every single month) and acute exacerbation of all my symptoms. i feel better all ready. Oddly enough, I felt minimal discomfort from my condition and wouldn. If you first met me, you would probably think she has been sipping all day. Still, the doctor told me that she thought I had autoimmune autonomic neuropathy. Ask your doctor if you could have a magnesium deficiency. Prior to 2002 I never had any major medical problems, but towards the end of year I began experiencing fatigue and amenorrhea. After lots of searching I found out that it was a withdrawel symptom from Effexor. Oddly enough, I felt minimal discomfort from my condition and wouldn. Maybe I should and then surprise them with my records.

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